
Student Wellbeing at Corpus Christi reflects Gospel values and the Catholic ethos of our school vision statement.

The children at Corpus Christi will develop and be nurtured in a positive and safe learning environment that provides for the wellbeing of all members of the school community.

At Corpus Christi we:

  • Have the right to learn and feel safe.
  • Take responsibility for our actions and
  • Repair conflicts and restore relationships using RESTORATIVE PRACTICES.

Corpus Christi uses a POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT model. This includes six concise COOL SCHOOL RULES, the use of positive encouragement and celebrating our students’  successes.

We encourage our students to be resilient and confident people by using the NAME IT approach which empowers them to stand up for what is right and safe.

SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING embedded throughout our curriculum develops our  students’ understanding of themselves and others whilst building their skills in this area.

The use of CIRCLE TIME in class on a regular basis allows for our students and teachers to build healthy relationships and allows every child to have a say in a supportive environment.

Wellbeing at Corpus Christi is further enhanced through our partnership with the BERRY ST  EDUCATIONAL MODEL, our Family School Partnership Leaders,  Student Leaders and S.R.C., Parent and Friends and  various community building events such as School Discos, Arts Festivals, Garden Project, Concerts and Family nights.
Under the umbrella of Student Wellbeing resides the Student Services area which supports our students in areas of Students with Disabilities with the professional help of the  Catholic Education Office Student Services. Further to this, various intervention programs and outside agencies are connected to our school to respond to particular needs. Eg. CAMHS and Schools   Early Intervention (CASEA), Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum, Seasons change and loss program, OnPsych School Counselling and the Blue Earth program.

Student Wellbeing at Corpus Christi School is always a high priority due to current research that shows a happy and connected child has greater success at school.

For further information on any of these services please contact:
Student Wellbeing Leader
Catherine Interligi